Make a gift online
Thank you for your interest in supporting Trinity Hall. Your gift can help make a real difference to the college and our students. Please find an online donation form below.
Donating online is secure and is tax efficient from the UK and Canada. US alumni are encouraged to give online via Cambridge in America. You can also download our gift forms or see other methods of giving.
To give online:
1) Specify the total amount of the donation, the fund and click add donation
2) Select single gift by credit card or regular gift by direct debit under "additional information"
3) If you are already logged in to then your name and address will be completed automatically in the billing section.
4) Complete the payment information. For direct debits:
- Please specify the instalment amount and the frequency (monthly, quarterly or annually)
- Please note the start date must be on 1st or 22nd of the month and must be between 4 weeks and 6 months in the future
- Select "direct debit" as payment info type to give your account number and sort code
If you experience any problems please contact