Log into THalumni.net

Select "New user registration" to register or enter your username and password. If you have forgotten your login details click the forgotten password link below to reset your password.

If you have any problems logging in please contact data@trinhall.cam.ac.uk

Logging in to THalumni.net will allow you to search for other Trinity Hall members by name, matric year and subject and contact them by sending a private message. Logging in also enables you to see guest lists for upcoming events. You can update your contact details and set your mailing preferences.  We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising.  Full details are in our privacy policy online.


New user registration
Forgotten password

We recommend that you use your email address as your Username.

Please note Matric year refers to the year you started (format: yyyy)

If you experience any problems registering please contact data@trinhall.cam.ac.uk